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Firework Sky


I believe art is a natural experience.
Everyone has artistic talent but some are unaware of it.
Like singing.

There was a time in my life when I could not afford a cheap print on the wall, and my landlord would not permit a picture hole anyway. His favorite color in wall decor was dull gray. I became depressed and irritable. Were my children and I to have a dull, gray life?

To escape the wasteland of news I could not change,  and the giggletrack of television  I began to sketch and write again. I began to rediscover myself in the process. I sent out a manuscript of four poems to twenty-five magazines, most of whom did not even bother to reply. For those who did take the time to reply, I still have some of their critiques scribbled off thoughtfully in a hurry. The last place to which I mailed a self-addressed return envelope published all four poems, still my best. This was a long time ago.


I learned that I could strive, and thereby experience my life while painting and writing. I had studied art and writing in high school and disappointed my art teacher when I decided to pursue dance instead of painting. But with a dance career long behind me, I returned to painting again. Besides covering my walls with color, in spite of the landlord, I believe the decision saved my life.

Color and thinking are still the motivators for my paintings. I think I know the Paleolithic. I would especially like to ask them how they painted in dark claustrophobic caves, using which extinctive animal fats. Why did they paint on certain rocks to give the illusion of moving form? How did they know it?


Some of my abstracts have been compared to Jackson Pollack, whose work I knew nothing about when I set out.  I'm sure he would have a good laugh.

My works usually, but not always, tell a story, and I try to invite the viewer to enter into the story as a participant. Color, texture, dream, reality, memory; these are the neighborhoods where art lies for me.

What about you? I'd love to hear!



University of Cambridge, UK

Summer Program

University of Massachusetts, Boston,

Critical and Creative Thinking, M. A.

Summer Program, UMASS Amherst, The World Between the Wars

University of Massachusetts, Boston, Anthropology and the Study of Religion

Nature and Temptation Studio and Gallery, Kate Finnegan, Jean Gugina Watercolor

Asian Art, Kaji Aso, School of the MFA, Boston MA


Anthropology of Art by Monica Veneziano, Chinese Brushstroke, De Cordova Museum, private

The Process of Icons, Tess Hughes, Galway, Ireland, private


The National league of American pen women, Jacob Sears Library, Dennis,


Nature and temptations Studio and Show, Watercolors MA

Small Works, Amy Rice Gallery, Mashpee Commons, Dec. 2017 - Jan. 2018

Small Works, Nov. 2018 - Jan. 2019


Bird of Paradise pictured on Cotuit Center for the Arts front page,   Cotuit MA 2011


Exploration of Personal Process as Manifested in Painting - Marlene T. Bell


The Shrine, painting, depicted in the film, "Sir Acherone’s Party”, Dir. Michael Miller      

Phoenix, AZ Summer 2014


Artists of Cotuit - Friends of the Cotuit Library,  Published 2013


The Writers Center, Osterville, MA


National League of American Pen Women, Cape Cod Branch, Cape Cod MA

Cultural Center of Cape Cod, South Yarmouth, MA


Morning Muses Art Discussion Group, Dennis MA


Thornton Burgess Society, Sandwich MA

Cotuit Center for the Arts, Cotuit MA

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